MC Number Lookup

MC Number lookup | MC number is short for motor carrier number. An MC number may also be referred to as a truck authority or operating authority. The MC number is a unique identifier assigned by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The number is used to identify trucking companies involved in interstate commerce. Unlike US DOT numbers, a company may need several MC numbers to carry passengers and cargo.


MC Number Lookup

MC Number Lookup


Who Needs an MC Number Lookup?

An MC number is legally required if you directly or indirectly transport people across state lines for pay. The MC number is necessary for both private carriers and “for hire” carriers. If you operate inside of a federal commercial zone, then a motor carrier number or operating authority number is necessary, as well.

Furthermore, the motor carrier number is necessary if you carry regulated commodities for pay. Regulated commodities are typically items that have been changed from their natural state. This means you may not need a motor carrier number to carry felled trees or fresh oranges but would need one to carry orange juice or gasoline. If the hauler doesn’t require a motor carrier number, they may need a US Department of Transportation number or USDOT number instead. The MC number will have an FF or MX number at the start. Note that an MC number does not provide the same coverage as a USDOT number. The USDOT number allows the carrier to transport goods in any state and outside of their home state. In contrast, a carrier may need more than one MC number. On the other hand, a for-hire carrier that doesn’t haul federally regulated cargo doesn’t need operating authority number.

And if you are moving inter-modal freight, you’ll need an active motor carrier number even if your trip isn’t going to cross state lines. That is because the cargo itself has traveled across state lines. This means that freight forwarders and most property brokers must have an MC number.

How Is the MC Number Lookup Used?

You can searching information by
MC Number >> MC Number by Code
Companies Name >> Lookup MC Number by Company name
USDOT Number >> USDOT Number by Code


A USDOT number is used to keep track of a moving company or motor carrier’s safety records, inspections, and ratings. Every commercial and for-hire transporter must have this. But how is the MC number used? The FMCSA requires an MC number to track additional safety and commercial regulations. Companies with an MC number will be required to file proof of public liability (insurance), but cargo insurance is not mandatory.

The MC number is only granted after you file an application with your state’s version of the DMV. If your application for an MC number is approved, you’ll be given a unique identifier number or UIN. That will be given to your insurance company to file your insurance information online. Once you pay the necessary fees and receive the motor carrier number or MC number. Note that you cannot legally operate until the MC number is active.

The public can use the MC number or operating authority number to look up the company’s information via the FMCSA Licensing and Insurance (L&I) public web site. You’ll want to have a copy of the motor carrier number certificate printed out and stored in the cab, because you’ll have to be able to provide this to the authorities if you’re stopped.

How Is the MC Number Lookup Used?

You can searching information by
MC Number >> MC Number by Code
Companies Name >> Lookup MC Number by Company name
USDOT Number >> USDOT Number by Code